وصف الشهادة

"Mission of the micro-credential is to drive the student to describe the concepts of user differences, user experience and collaboration. In addition, to be able Analyze an interaction design problem.

محاور الشهادة

  • Introduction to the User Experience (UX):
  • Overview of UX definitions, principles, history, and importance
  • Designing for human emotions and thinking.
  • Designing for human’s cognitive capacity.
  • Various user research methods and techniques such as conducting interviews, surveys, creating user personas based on research insights.
  • Introduction to popular UX design and prototyping tools
  • Hands-on experience with prototyping techniques and tools
  • Designing for users’ needs and errors’ possibilities.
  • Planning and conducting usability tests using different methods such: Expert Review, Heuristic Review, and Surveys
  • Analyzing usability test data and interpreting results.
  • Iterative design based on user feedback.
  • UX in practice User Research: Hotjar
  • UX in practice For Prototyping: Figma, Adobe XD, and InVision
  • UX in practice For Usability Testing: UserZoom and Usabilit

الجمهور المستهدف