وصف الشهادة

Construction industry is the sector of economy which plans, designs, constructs, alters, maintains, repairs, and eventually demolishes buildings of all kinds, civil engineering works, mechanical and electrical structures, and other similar works. Construction industry provides a means of transforming aspirations for the social and economic well-being of a nation into reality by providing housing, industrial and infrastructure facilities and thus creating an environment conducive to raising the standard of living.\

محاور الشهادة

  • Understand basic terminology of project, construction management, bid packaging, and construction contracts.
  • Acquire knowledge of managing engineering and construction projects.
  • Understand issues that must be addressed to become more effective in professional ethics and cost control in the delivery of projects.
  • Become familiar with project execution processes.
  • Apply concepts of project planning, project scheduling, project cash flow, equipment
  • management, labor management, material management, and safety management to deliver a safe project."

الجمهور المستهدف