وصف الشهادة

a vital component in any thermo-mechanical system. This course will introduce the various types of heat exchangers employed in thermal plants and systems. In particular, it will cover the heat transfer calculation methods and codes used in the design of shell-and-tube (S&T) type exchangers which is a critical component in any thermal power or process plant.

محاور الشهادة

  • Introduction and types of HX
  • S&T HX classification
  • The log-mean-temperature-difference (LMTD) method of HX analysis
  • The Effectiveness-NTU method of HX analysis
  • TEMA Standards for HX design
  • Designing the tube bundle and baffles
  • Designing the cylinder heads and shell
  • Designing the shell nozzles
  • Designing the shell supports

الجمهور المستهدف